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Your product selection from Steele’s Town Creek Farm

Half/Whole Pig

$5.00 per pound

Our pigs are raised in the woods where they can express their piginess character and eat from the forest. We move them regularly to fresh land. This results in a high quality pork unlike any other. Rest assured you are supporting happy animals raised how they were created to interact with the land in a sustainable manner.

Pasture Raised

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About Steele’s Town Creek Farm

Pastured Raised Meats


Steele’s Town Creek Farm
300 E N St
Newton, NC 28658

More products from Steele’s Town Creek Farm

Half/Whole Pig

$5.00 per pound

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Our pigs are raised in the woods where they can express their piginess character and eat from the forest. We move them regularly to fresh land. This results in a high quality pork unlike any other. Rest assured you are supporting happy animals raised how they were created to interact with the land in a sustainable manner.

Pasture Raised

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